Monday, 30 March 2009

Frequent Character of Indigo Children

Monday, 30 March 2009
#May be strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to do their own thing rather than comply with authority figures/parents

#Have a wisdom and level of awareness and caring beyond their youthful experience

#Traditional parenting and discipline strategies don’t appear effective with these children. If you try to force an issue, a power struggle is the typical outcome

#Energetically Indigos are vibrating at a higher frequency so they can get scrambled by negative energy (human or machine)

#Emotionally they can be very reactive and may have problems with anxieties, depression or temper rages if not energetically balanced

#Are creative right brained thinkers but may struggle to learn in a traditional left brained school system

#Often Indigos are diagnosed as having ADD/ADHD since they appear impulsive (their brain can process information faster) and they require movement to help keep them better focused

#Indigos are very intuitive (often psychic) and may see, hear or know things that seem unexplainable

# Indigos tend to be more visual, kinesthetic learners so remember best what they can picture in their brain and create with their hands

# Indigos have more problems with food and environmental sensitivities since their system is more finely tuned

#When their needs are not met, these children appear self centered and demanding although this is not their true nature

#These children have incredible gifts and potential but may be shut down when not properly nurtured and accepted.


Gail Alexander said...

This is a very interesting post. I know a number of children who would fit these characteristics, including my daughter (I would even include myself as an Indigo adult).

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